The 3 minute catch up: news, views, inspiration and talking points from the world of commercial fit outs and office interior refurbishments.

Digital highlights

Today’s modern property industry relies heavily on technology and estate agency office design has changed to accommodate a growing desire for a digital operation. There can’t be many estate agents still nursing a Rolodex and a wad of printed...

Got a bright idea? Getting exterior lighting right

A shop design with bright lights certainly attract attention but get exterior lighting wrong and you may fall foul of the local council and conservation officers. Normally the subject of kebab shops only ever crops up when MPL's team of shop...

Office layout & design tricks for small spaces

Drawing on our years of experience in interior office design London , MPL brings you a quick guide to refurbishing small spaces. MPL Interiors is often asked to design commercial office refurbishments for small or ‘bijou’ offices . The overriding...

Smart scheduling to keep your business open

The office designers at MPL Interiors have fit outs down to a fine art and can schedule works so you can keep trading with minimum disruption. While an office refurbishment fills many with excitement and optimism, there are some logistics that can...

Let's exchange ideas.

Get in touch to discuss style, space and specifications so we can reinvent your interior design.
